Week Thirty Two

Saying Goodbye

This final week has been long and hard.  I have made so many friends here, and feel like I have had a second family for the last 7.5 months.  I am still scared about the next step this week, but will push on and make it through that too.  Tonight my friends are throwing me a going away party, complete with Chicken & Dumplings (did you know that if you soak tortillas in broth they swell up like a dumpling?), Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo & Nutter Butter pudding.

I can’t wait to be able to actually see my blog and post things myself.  I am going to keep this up through the halfway house, so I can let everyone know what that experience is like.  I also am going to make some side posts of things to know if someone is coming to Camp Coleman.

Have a great week!

0 Chicken days left!
0 Visit weekends left!
0 Blanket exchanges!